Launch of!

Singapore has opened up post-pandemic, so the shop is re-opened for business! Sorry for the long wait!

I have an Etsy shop as well but Etsy recently sent all shops that accept Paypal only an email demanding that we accept their "Etsy Payments" payment system  by the 17th May 2017 or have our shops suspended.

Sellers who are unable or refuse to comply are forced to leave Etsy. Like many, I am keeping my Etsy shop for the traffic but I have decided not to keep all my eggs in one basket.

Hence, this standalone website ! I look forward to uploading my personal portfolio of art and crafts :)


Weighted plush toys can be

Weighted plush toys can be particularly beneficial during times of transition or change, such as bedtime or naptime, helping to weighted animal create a sense of routine and security.

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