Blog entry

Singapore has opened up post-pandemic, so the shop is re-opened for business! Sorry for the long wait!

Chinese Lion Dancers at Suntec City Mall (Singapore)


I went to Suntec City Mall last week to run some errands. The shops have just reopened after the Chinese New Year public holidays and a lion dance troupe were going around the various shops in the mall to perform and collect red packets. It is supposedly good luck to have lions perform for your shop, the downside being that the owner have to prepare a fat red packet for the privilege. Chinese New Year is an important time for lion dance troupes to perform and fill their coffers so you can hear the drums wherever you go in Singapore during this period.

Today is the Eve of Chinese New Year!

Today is Chinese New Year's Eve in China/Taiwan/Hong Kong as well as Singapore (same time zone UST+8 ).祝大家狗年身体健康,财源滚滚!