Nostalgic Traditional Singapore Chinese Biscuit 耳朵饼 (ear biscuit)

Singapore has opened up post-pandemic, so the shop is re-opened for business! Sorry for the long wait!

Ear Biscuit

This is a kind of old-fashioned spicy but sweet Chinese biscuit popular in my childhood. The specks on top are white sesame. If you are from Singapore or Malaysia and of a certain age, you might recognize them though I'm not sure if youngsters still eat them nowadays. They are called 耳朵饼 ("ear biscuits") because they are spiral-shaped like ears. I think the spicy taste might be from Chinese five-spice powder. I never really liked them as a kid because I've always hated the weirdly spicy taste.

Here's a recipe from someone else:

Ear Biscuits Recipe



While ear biscuits bring back memories of childhood in Singapore, I wasn't the biggest fan myself. The sweet and spicy combo was a bit odd for me, and I think the five-spice powder might have been the culprit behind that strange spiciness. I always preferred the personal statement writer task and milder treats! It's interesting to wonder if kids these days still enjoy these traditional snacks.

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