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Singapore has opened up post-pandemic, so the shop is re-opened for business! Sorry for the long wait!

Start of Winter 立冬 (Lidong) 7 Nov


立冬 (Lidong) is one of the 24 solar terms under the Chinese lunar calendar and marks the start of winter as its name suggests. Under the old agricultural society, it's time to rest, prepare the farm for winter and eat nourishing food for good health to fortify oneself against the coming cold. In Northern China, it is customary to eat dumplings on this day. In Southern China where the weather is warmer, meat/fowl/fish is eaten.

The World of Chinese Fountain Pens

Model 999: Twin Dragons Play with Pearl from Chinese fountain pen company Jinhao

From 龙笔世家金豪钢笔 Taobao shop

Fountain pens, a product of the West would seem at first glance to have little to do with Chinese culture. However, China has a huge domestic fountain pen market.

Chongyang Festival 重阳节 October 28

Chongyang Festival

Chongyang Festival or the Double Ninth Festival is held on the ninth day of the ninth month under the Chinese lunar calendar. It is traditional on this day to climb mountains and to celebrate by admiring chrysanthemums which bloom luxuriantly at this time of the year, drinking chrysanthemum wine and eating chrysanthemum cakes. It is also traditional to pay one's respects to the elders on this day.

More about this festival: Double Ninth Festival

Frost Descending 霜降 October 23

Frost Descends Painting

Frost Descending 霜降 is the 18th solar term under the Chinese lunar calender. It is the last solar term of autumn and marks the arrival of the first frost when temperatures rapidly fall.

There is a custom in China of eating persimmons which ripen and are at their best during this time of the year. This is suppose to nourish your body and be good for your health.

There were persimmons in the basket in the living room but unfortunately they were all eaten up so I cannot take photos. Here's one of my paintings instead.