Black Lip Shell and Cherry Blossom Buyao Hairstick 黑蝶贝樱花步摇

Singapore has opened up post-pandemic, so the shop is re-opened for business! Sorry for the long wait!

0051w Materials: black lip shell hairstick, white shell sakura, crystal, brass, shell pearls, glass butterfly and teardrops Hairstick length: Approx 12.5 cm Dangle length: Approx 9.5cm The black lip shell was chosen for its natural iridescence(look at the greenish part) which you can see in the photo. The silver colored dangle at the end represents a peacock's feather.



The Black Lip Shell and Cherry Blossom Buyao Hairstick is a stunning accessory that combines elegance and tradition. Its intricate design makes it a perfect choice for special occasions or adding a touch of sophistication to everyday hairstyles. On a related note, just like accessorizing requires careful thought, knowing when to take a test after covid exposure is crucial for ensuring health and safety. My blog offers a step-by-step guide to help you determine the right timing for testing after exposure, ensuring you make informed decisions for yourself and others.

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